Digital Tachograph takes Infringements down

Digital Tachograph takes Infringements down with 60 percent

 According to a study made by the Stoneridge Company, users who bought Stoneridge SE5000 digital tachograph has seen an average of 60% reduction in driving infringements.

 The improvement it was due to because digital tachograph Stoneridge’s SE5000 Exakt Duo2 provides drivers with real-time information on their current situation about driver’s rest time, warning when they are close to the driving limit and countdowns on drive.

Thanks to this tool, the drivers and theirs transport managers are able to optimise their time on the road while staying legal.
 Even more, Stoneridge is now offering an ap for smartphones and smartwatch, making easier for drivers to have the countdowns in front of them. The study took place over a period of 180 days with 108 drivers.

Digital Tachograph Remote download Wi-Fi

Digital Tachograph Remote download Wi-Fi

Digital Tachograph Remote download Wi-Fi solution

More and more shipping companies wants to implement remote download for digital tachographs and driver cards. But the problem is that the truck has to return periodically to the base just to download it’s tachograph. This represent a huge logistic problem. Digital tachographs can be downloaded only with the company card inserted in the tachograph.

By using our remote download solutions, shipping companies can forget about tachographs.

This are the top reasons you should have a digital tachograph remote download wi-fi:
  • Mandatory downloads are made automatically
  • Permanent fleet control
  • No risk of penalty caused by missing downloads
  • No more need to return every time to the base station to download the tachograph thus important cost savings are made.
  • No need of personnel for tachograph management
  • Compatible either with TachoSafe Lite and TachoSafe WEB
Digital Tachograph Remote download Wi-Fi

"TachoSafe Remote Download WiFi" downloads the digital tachograph through a WiFi connection. The WiFi router should be installed in an area where all trucks will pass through. As the truck passes throuh the WiFi zone, the TachoSafe Remote Download WiFi device connected to the tachograph will download data.

Digital Tachograph Remote download Wi-Fi